What is this?

Personal transformation is the process of transforming one’s individual identity, including psychological, social and spiritual aspects. It involves exploring, shifting and reconfiguring one’s sense of self through life experiences and personal reflection. Personal transformation encourages intentional growth as well as the interrogation of values, beliefs and behaviours. This is done through the reorientation of attitudes, skills and behaviours for a positive transformation of these components towards a chosen ideal. Personal transformation should never be considered a finite process, but rather a continuing dynamic journey of self-discovery and personal development.

See also: transformational leadership, decision making, systemic transformation, emotional intelligence, authentic relating

Jessica Feldman interviews Richard D. Bartlett 129

Coronavirus: light and dark. Collective sensemaking with Ronan Harrington & Richard D. Bartlett 89

Coronavirus: light and dark. Collective sensemaking with Ronan Harrington & Richard D. Bartlett 60